Nice Sas Plot Line Graph

Line plot for POS L of Jan 1st and on top of it another line of Jan 31st Similarly a different Line plot of X Y where POSR Here is the data.
Sas plot line graph. All information in the succeeding slides are taken from http. See MIDPOINTSvalue-list for a description of value-list. Line plots of X Y when POSL ie.
Reg xenrldt ycount lineattrs patternshortdash. If i 1 then y -1y. Always specify the C option to insure that the symbol statement takes effect.
The GPLOT procedure plots the values of two or more variables on a set of coordinate axes X and Y. Active 6 years ago. Y ix.
Or you could try. Box Plot With PROC SGPLOT. In relation to the graph examples above see the two blog posts Range Attribute Map in PROC SGPLOT and Discrete Attribute Map in SAS.
I encourage you to browse the documentation of the SGPLOT Procedure to see the many options that help you create a nice histogram in SAS. For many more example see Getting Started with SGPLOT Part 5 Histograms on the Graphically Speaking Blog. Select the variable datetime and click Set X.
The plot statement is used to control the axis plotting points labels tick marks and the plot legend. Make data data test. Select Graph Line Plot from the main menu as shown in Figure 611.