Glory Plot Multiple Lines In R Ggplot2

I am trying to create a plot in R that shows post-surgical outcomes over time.
Plot multiple lines in r ggplot2. Custom the general theme with the theme_ipsum function of the hrbrthemes package. In a line graph we have the horizontal axis value through which the line will be ordered and connected using the vertical axis values. So to add legends we need to distribute the lines into multiple groups on the basis of coloring.
Libraryggplot2 ggplotdf aesx x y value color variable geom_line Lines width and style. In this method to create a ggplot with multiple lines the user needs to first install and import the reshape2 package in the R console and call the melt function with the required parameters to format the given data to long data form and then use the ggplot function to plot the ggplot of the formatted data. The basic solution is to use the gridExtra R package which comes with the following functions.
The sign means you want R to keep reading the code. If you have further questions andor comments let me know in the comments. Basic scatter plot.
To plot multiple lines in one chart we can either use base R or install a fancier package like ggplot2. Dat. This function is passed the required value and attributes.
I hate spam you may opt out anytime. Change line style with arguments like shape size color and more. For example to create two side-by-side plots use mfrowc1 2.
The details of these plots arent important. To arrange multiple ggplot2 graphs on the same page the standard R functions - par and layout - cannot be used. While ggplot2 has many useful features this blog post will explore how to create figures with multiple ggplot2 plots.