Looking Good Ggplot With Two Y Axis

Scale first Y axis by multiplying 400 300 to create secondary Y axis for Precipitation scale_y_continuous secaxis sec_axis.
Ggplot with two y axis. Last updated over 4 years ago Hide Comments Share Hide Toolbars. Setting range and reversing direction of an axis. Setting tick mark labels.
Using facets which is built in to ggplot2 but doesnt allow much control over the non-shared axes. Reversing the direction of an axis. Libraryggplot2 p.
To properly print these two lines of y axis labels. Ggplot graph with double y. Changing the order of items.
10 name derive Duplicate the primary axis p scale_y_continuous secaxis dup_axis. 400 30 gp1. I use stat_count and geom_line.
I want to draw a ggplot with kvartal as x-asis and arbeidsledige and oljepris as two different y-axis. To add to rensa s answer you can have a second y axis but it has to be a one-to-one transformation of the first y axis. How do I change the formatting of numbers on an axis with ggplot.
I am new to r so please excuse me. Tick mark label text. Fixed ratio between x and y axes.