Heartwarming Excel Chart X Axis Does Not Match Data

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Excel chart x axis does not match data. What is going on and how do I fix. I added these as axis labels and I my last value is above 730. My data is chartiing for all dates but it is not aligned with the dates.
Oct 3 2012 1 My chart axis includes dates from 8112 to current right to left. In the Select Data Source dialog Edit the Horizontal Category Axis Labels. So in your chart delete the month series on the bottom by clicking on it and eg.
I added in cells c3c32 dates starting with 71. X axis header not matching data point 04. Then in the Format Axis pane or Format Axis dialog under Axis Options tab check Text axis option in the Axis Type section.
Open Excel. Highlight the vertical axis right click on it and click on Format Axis. Match the series to the correct axis The next step is to make sure that there is one of the new series assigned to the primary axis and one to the secondary axis.
Try changing the chart type to a clustered column chart and see if that fixes your first problem. My x-axis as Text if I have to chart. If you right click on the horizontal axis and choose to Format Axis you will see that under Axis Type it has 3 options being Automatic text or date.
Cell d32 should actually be dated if dates are used 730. If youre doing all this manually select the two XY columns to include an empty cell above the X values and a Series name in the cell above the Y values. Select the data and insert a chart.